Classes & Workshops
Classes ranging from beginner to advanced
We offer yoga classes
Hatha classes are geared toward the beginner/intermediate practitioner and focus on the traditional physical postures known as asanas. In a Yin style yoga class, the postures are held from 1 to 5 minutes affecting the connective tissue by using the force of gravity. It’s a slow, contemplative practice. Flow yoga is an active and dynamic practice that uses the breath to link each movement. It’s energizing while giving the practitioner an opportunity to stretch and release tension.
Restorative yoga is the gentlest style of yoga we teach. The class is designed with props, bolsters, and blankets to support the body and relieve tension for a deeply relaxing experience. All of these classes end with a guided relaxation.
Booking a Class?
Are you new to yoga? Are you returning after a break from your regular practice? Or, maybe, you have been doing yoga everyday. What to expect from your first class at The Yoga Space:
A quiet a calm space practicing social distance guidelines
A place to listen to your body
A practice for discovery of what feels right for your body
Stretching is part of the practice but it’s so much more. You’ll rediscover your breath. You’ll rediscover being present. You’ll rediscover moving your body.
What you’ll need:
Bring your own water and props (yoga mats, blankets, blocks)
Wear comfortable clothing
Avoid wearing strong scents or perfumes
Wear your mask if you prefer